Manpasand Shadi

Manpasand Shadi is a basic right of everybody. But unfortunately, in our society, this is an unpleasant practice. Man pasand Shadi is felt as an unacceptable sin, especially for women, which is sometimes punishable by death. They have to sacrifice their desires in the name of family honour. A society where choice marriage is not allowed cannot be called a free Islamic society.

Man pasand shadi ka wazifa
Best wazifa for Manpasand Shadi

In the Qur’an, men are ordered to marry according to their choice.

“So marry those women whom you like.” (Al-Nisa’: 3)

What is Manpasand Shadi (Love Marriage)

Manpasand Shadi (Love marriage) is a marriage where a couple loves each other. They are willing to accept challenges, communicate openly and honestly, give their partner space and room to grow and develop, and are ready to sacrifice some things to pursue a happy marriage.

However, what about Manpasand Shadi

Here, a couple marries (Shadi) for Love, not financial stability. There is no pressure on the woman to take care of the household and the children. However, she does need to be economically independent if she chooses to be, and she will probably need to support her husband’s dreams.

Man pasand Shadi has become such a crime in our society. Every day we read heart-rending news unfortunate end of Manpasand Shadi. In Pakistan, like in other countries, the young generation approaches the court to get their Love.

Manpasand Shadi in Islam
Man pasand Shadi in Islam in Urdu

Man pasand Shadi in Islam

Shadi (marriage) is one of the essential parts of life. Islam has apparent views about Shadi and Man pasand Shadi. Islam prefers to perform this matter under the supervision of parents. Because all parents know very well what is good or bad for their children, they have a lot of experience and mature thoughts, which sometimes children do have.

As Islam tells children to take care of their parents, on the Other hand, it encourages parents to fulfil their children’s wishes. Islam asks parents to marry their children where they want.

Allah Says in Quran:

“And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and enslaved women. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” [24:32]

Parents have the right to make a decision when children make decisions that are detrimental to them. Such decisions later, children also realize that it was better in our favor. Children can properly refuse if they believe they will not be able to be happy where they are being married. In such a case, parents should re-examine the children’s words. And if children are rational, They should respect their wishes.

Manpasand shadi ka wazifa

Do you like someone and want to marry him? And you want your parents to agree to this marriage. So you can be something other than Persian. There is a powerful wazifa to solve this problem, thanks to which you can have the wedding of your choice. You can get powerful Wazifa of Man psanad Shadi from our scholars and Online Istikhara Service.

  1. The person with whom you want to marry should keep seven flowers of gelsemium at night.
  2. Then He should put these flowers at their door.
  3. Through this process, you will be able to get married of your choice very soon.
  4. This scholarship is helpful for girls who are not getting married or are engaged and breaking up. After the Fajr prayer, recite it 312 times “ یَا ذَالْجَلَالِ وَالْاِکْرَام “ and pray for a good spouse.
Man pasand shadi ka wazifa
Best wazifa for Manpasand Shadi

Pros of Pasand ki Shadi

  • Both know each other: Boy and girl are not strangers to each other. They decide to get married after knowing each other’s habits. In a family-favored marriage, the boy and girl often do not know each other, and it takes time to have mental harmony.
  • Getting married on your responsibility: When a boy and a girl decide to live together, they take on the responsibility of facing every problem that may arise. They do it, and none of them backs down. 
  • Both substitute themselves for each other: In the case of Pasand ki Shadi, the boy and the girl give up many habits that the other does not like to live a life of their choice. In an arranged marriage, one has to face some difficulties initially due to the unfamiliarity of each other’s practices. And it takes time to change yourself.
  • Consistency develops in a couple who marry by choice: A boy and a girl who marry like each other tolerate each other’s words more patiently.

Cons of Manpasand Shadi

There are no prominent disadvantages to Man pasand Shadi, but sometimes a boy or girl could make the wrong decision. Although everybody is free and has the right to choose his life partner, here are the top 5 disadvantages of love marriage discussed below:

  1. Financial Crises: A couple never looks at their financial situation and this thing they figure out later.
  2. Reality: Those who will do ManPasand Shadi fall in Love with each other. They are living in a world of imagination, but later they have to face reality, which may be different.
  3. Family Support: In the case of Shadi, they may lose support from their family, which may cause difficulties for them.
  4. Cultural Differences: A couple doing Love marriage (Pansad ki Shadi) doesn’t mind the language and cultural differences, but later it can cause problems for them.
  5. Individuality Risk: Pasand ki Shadi may face a family boycott. It is possible that those who are causing him a lot of trouble.

FAQs : 

Q: Pasand ki Shadi ka wazifa in Quran ?
A: For the Love Shadi, you must recite Surah Muzamal 11 times after praying two rakats of Namaz-e-Hajat on Thursday.

Q: Is Manpasand Shadi (Love Marriage) allowed in Islam?
A: Islam allows love marriage l, but Islam also wants a boy or a girl to marry according to the will of their parents.

Q: Pasand ki Shadi ka wazifa in Urdu?
A: For early marriage, recite in Urdu many times یا لطیفُ یا حلیمُ. Allah will help you from the unseen.

Q: Pasand ki Shadi ka wazifa by maulana Tariq Jameel?
A: According to Maulana Tariq Jameel, this is a compelling process, and if it is delayed for a long time, it can be up to three months۔ درود ابراھیم 11 یا عزیز یا لطیف 300

Dua e Qunoot, with translation into English and Urdu

What is Quran: A Comprehensive Guide

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