8 Benefits of Reciting Dua e Masura | Read online with Deep understading

In the spiritual journey of a Muslim, the role of supplication, or Dua, is immensely significant. It provides a channel to communicate with Allah, seeking His mercy, guidance, and blessings. One such powerful supplication taught by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the Dua e Masura. This Dua, included in the Tashahhud part of each Salah (prayer), is a cornerstone of the Islamic faith.

What is Dua e Masura?

Islam places great emphasis on supplication. It’s seen as a means of communication with Allah; Dua e Masura holds high importance among them. It is recited during Tashahhud in every prayer, making it an integral part of a Muslim’s daily life.

Meaning of Dua Masura

The Dua Masura is a powerful supplication that encapsulates the essence of a believer’s conversation with Allah. This Dua, recited during Tashahhud in Salah (prayer), serves as a reminder of the unity of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Its profound meanings offer insights into its spiritual significance.

Dua e Masura in Arabic Text

“اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ، وَمِنْ عَذَابِ جَهَنَّمَ، وَمِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْيَا وَالْمَمَاتِ، وَمِنْ شَرِّ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّالِ”

The English translation of the Dua is:

“O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave, the punishment of Hellfire, the trials of life and death, and the evil of the trial of the False Messiah.”

Dua e Masura in arabic
Dua e Masura in arabic

Origins and Importance of Masura

The Dua e Masura, also called the “Tashahhud Dua,” finds its roots in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). As per the Hadith (sayings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad).

How to Recite Masura

Dua is recited during Tashahhud, a specific part of the Muslim prayer (Salah). Reciting it accurately with the correct pronunciation is essential to maintain its meaning and spiritual essence. Below is a guide to help you recite this Dua correctly.

The Benefits of Reciting Dua e Masura

The Dua is a profound invocation in the daily life of a Muslim. Its recitation during Salah (prayer) carries spiritual, psychological, and social benefits that underline its importance in the Islamic faith.

  1. Spiritual Upliftment: The recitation of Dua brings about spiritual elevation. It serves as a connection between the believer and Allah, strengthening the bond of faith. It instils tranquillity and peace, drawing the believer closer to Allah.
  2. Affirmation of Faith: The words of Dua e Masura reaffirm the Islamic belief in Tawheed (the oneness of Allah) and prophethood. Regular recitation of this Dua helps to instill these essential principles deeply into the believer’s heart.
  3. Protection from Trials: The Dua is a plea to Allah for protection against the trials of life, death, and the tribulations of the Hereafter. It cultivates a mindset of seeking Allah’s refuge, acknowledging His power over all affairs.
  4. The consciousness of the Hereafter: The Dua makes one conscious of life after death, reminding the believer of the grave’s reality and the punishments of Hellfire. This awareness influences a believer’s actions, steering them towards righteousness.
  5. Endurance during Hardships: In times of difficulty, the Dua serves as a spiritual anchor. It brings solace and comfort, fostering resilience and patience in facing hardships.
  6. Guidance and Blessing: As a supplication taught by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), reciting Masura is a means of attracting divine guidance and blessings.
  7. Purification of the Heart: Regular recitation of Dua purifies the heart. Removing negative emotions like fear, anxiety, and despair can be beneficial. Rather than focusing on negative emotions, fostering positive emotions such as hope, tranquillity, and peace is helpful in achieving a more peaceful state of mind.
  8. Reminder of Finality: The Dua reminds of the finality of Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) prophethood, reinforcing the believer’s love and respect for him.

Common Misinterpretations and Misconceptions

Like any religious text, Masura can sometimes be subject to misinterpretations and misconceptions due to language barriers, lack of knowledge, cultural influences, or incorrect teachings.

  1. Dua e Masura is Mandatory in Salah: While Dua is an essential part of the prayer (Salah), it is not compulsory. According to the Hanafi school of thought, other Duas can be recited during Tashahhud if the person does not know Dua. However, it is highly recommended to learn and repeat it due to its comprehensive nature.
  2. Meaning Misinterpretation Due to Translation: Translating Arabic text to another language can sometimes alter the meanings of certain words. This might lead to misinterpretations. For instance, the phrase “وَمِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْيَا وَالْمَمَاتِ” in Dua is sometimes inaccurately translated as “the trials of living and dying” which may confuse believers into thinking that life and death are trials.
  3. Fear-Driven Recitation: Some individuals might perceive it as a plea out of fear due to its reference to the punishments of the grave and Hellfire. While seeking Allah’s refuge from these is a supplication, it should not be recited out of fear alone. Still, it should be seen as an act of humility and submission to Allah, acknowledging His power and mercy.
  4. Dua e Masura and the Dajjal: The Dua includes a plea for protection from the trials of the False Messiah (Dajjal). Some might misconstrue this to mean that Dajjal is a current reality. However, in Islamic eschatology, Dajjal is a figure that will appear near the Day of Judgment. This part of the Dua is a plea to be saved from the fitna (trial) that will come with his appearance.
  5. The Length of the Dua: Due to its length, some might believe that it’s not necessary to recite the entire Dua. However, each part of the Dua carries a unique plea, making it comprehensive. It’s recommended to recite it fully to encapsulate its spiritual benefits.

Top 5 Benefits of recieting Dua E Ganjul Arsh | Deep Analysis

The Role of Masura in Namaz

It is traditionally recited in the sitting position (Qa’dah) just before concluding the Salah. Although it’s not mentioned as compulsory in the Holy Quran or Sahih Hadith, many Islamic scholars and followers consider it an essential part of Namaz due to its profound spiritual implications.

The Dua contains invocations for seeking forgiveness and mercy from Allah. While not explicitly stated as mandatory, it undeniably enriches the prayer experience.


  1. Q: What is Dua e Masura?

A: It is a supplication recited during the Tashahhud part of the Muslim prayer (Salah). It is a comprehensive plea seeking Allah’s protection from the trials of life, death, the grave.

Q: When is Masura e recited?

A: Dua is recited during the sitting position (Tashahhud) in Salah after attesting to the Oneness of Allah and the Prophethood.

Q: What are the benefits of reciting Masura Dua?

A: The benefits of reciting Dua are manifold. It deepens the spiritual connection between the believer and Allah, reaffirms Islamic faith, protects from trials, enhances consciousness of the Hereafter, and purifies the heart, among other benefits.

  1. Q: Is it compulsory to recite Dua in every Salah?

A: Masura [rayer is an essential part of Salah, but it’s not compulsory according to the Hanafi school of thought. Other Duas can be recited during Tashahhud if one does not know Dua. However, it is highly recommended to learn and recite it.

  1. Q: Can Dua be recited outside of Salah?

A: Yes, Dua can be recited outside of Salah. This supplication holds excellent power and can be called upon at any moment.

  1. Q: What are some common misconceptions about Dua?

A: Some common misconceptions include that it’s mandatory in Salah, should be recited out of fear.

7. Q: How can I recite Dua correctly?

A: Learning to recite Dua correctly involves understanding the Arabic language’s phonetics, regular practice, and guidance from knowledgeable sources or a teacher. It’s also beneficial to understand the meaning of the Dua to deepen the spiritual connection during recitation.

  1. Q: What does the Dua e Masura say about the Dajjal?

A: Dua includes a plea to Allah for protection from the trials (fitna) of the False Messiah (Dajjal.

  • Dua e masura kab padhi jati hai (Dua is usually recited after performing obligatory prayers (Salah).
  • Dua Masura in roman english B (“Allahumma inni as’aluka min fadlika, Allahumma inni as’aluka min fadlika, Allahumma inni as’aluka min fadlika.”)
  • Dua e masura tarjuma in hindi (“अल्लाह, मैं आपसे आपके फ़ज़ल और करम का सवाल करता हूं। अल्लाह, मैं आपसे आपके फ़ज़ल और करम का सवाल करता हूं। अल्लाह, मैं आपसे आपके फ़ज़ल और करम का सवाल करता हूं।”)

It is usually recited after performing obligatory prayers (Salah). It is a highly recommended supplication that Muslims recite to seek blessings, protection, and guidance from Allah.

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Dua e Istikhara

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